Cambridge Student Greens
The Green Parties in the UK now have more elected representatives in more influential positions than ever before. There are 2 Members of the European Parliament, 7 members of the Scottish Parliament and 1 Senator in the States of Jersey. There are 3 Green Party Members in the London Assembly, one of whom is a member of the Mayor's Cabinet. Over 50 Greens sit on 26 different Principal Authority Councils - including Districts, English and Welsh Counties, Metropolitan and London Boroughs - and are part of the ruling administration on two of them. The Green Party of England and Wales also has a number of Parish, Town and Welsh Community Councillors. In addition there is a Green Party member in the House of Lords.
This year is an unusual year for elections in Cambridge. Because all the ward boundaries are changing, the entire Council is up for election. Normally only one-third of seats are up for election, so that the entire Council is elected over a three-year cycle.
Everyone will therefore have three votes, which is the nearest we will get to STV until the Government change the rules! This represents a possible opportunity for the Green Party this year to get our first Councillor, from which others might then follow.
We will be working hard this year to get our first Cambridge Councillor elected, building on the work of previous years.
For the last few years, Cambridge Green Party has fielded candidates for each of the local areas ('wards') in Cambridge.
There are now a record number of Green councillors in England, which bodes well for this year's Euro elections.
You might also be interested to see Cambridge City Election Results since 1945.