Cambridge Student Greens
New this term is a social/discussion meeting to meet members of the Green Party and discuss green/local politics.
Come along for a chat and lunch or a drink, Wednesdays, 12.45-13.45, at Bar-B, Market Passage - round the corner from WHSmith in town.
We are planning speaker meetings and campaigning events; these will be listed online shortly.
Do get in touch or let us know if you'd like to join our mailing list to be informed about them or have any suggestions for speakers we could invite.
Monday 10th November, 8pm, Armitage Room, Queens' College, Cambridge
Stephen Lawrence of Cambridge Green Party spoke on the relationship between Trade, Money and Debt at a meeting set up by People & Planet.
Cambridge Student Greens had a stall at the Societies' Fair on 7th/8th October. Over 50 people signed up for our mailing list.
Daniel handing out flyers
Martin on the stall